
Thank you to everyone who attended our Christmas In July Luncheon. The day was fabulous and the venue + food was a credit to the Fremantle Sailing Club. On arrival members and partners were greeted and given a raffle ticket and a free welcome drinks ticket from Kathy.

Deb was our Signing in Officer. Pauline purchased and wrapped/bagged all the raffles’. Sally supplied Christmas decorations and helped with the tables.

William helped out the bar staff with drinks to the tables and William also suited up again as our “Surprise” Father Christmas.

As your President I gave instructions and directions to my Committee and helped where needed. Everyone left with a gift and for those who attended thank you for all your good wishes to my hard working Committee and myself.

Unfortunately we are unable to set a date to suit everyone but maybe next year we can do “Christmas In August”

Some Photos Of The Day:

Photo of the day

Photo of the day

Photo of the day

Photo of the day

Photo of the day

Photo of the day

Photo of the day

Photo of the day

Photo of the day

Photo of the day

Photo of the day

Photo of the day

Photo of the day

Photo of the day

Your Management Committee :


Janette Parsons-Smith

[email protected]

Vice President

William Chi

[email protected]

Executive Officer

Pauline Salmon

[email protected]

Minute Secretary

Sally Allomes

[email protected]

Event/Welfare Officer

Debra Lievense

[email protected]

Support Officer

Kathy Newport

[email protected]

Support Officer & MCA Delegate

Diane Robertson-Smith

[email protected]

Profile Of A Life Member Celebrant

William Chi

William Chi

Thank you to our President for inviting me to Profile.

Time moves so fast.

It has been 15 years since I joined the Marriage Celebrants of Australia.

I have had the privilege of being the Vice President for over 10 years, and also received life membership in 2023.

I have enjoyed being Father Christmas at our Functions and over the years I have had the pleasure of meeting so many Celebrants. The good story continues.

I have celebrated nearly 1,000 weddings, with most couples coming from around the world. They are now happily settled and enjoy their lifestyle in Australia.

We are lucky to live in this beautiful country.

William Chi


  • Don’t forget prior to the ceremony you must ask the Bride and Groom separately, if their intentions are, that they are still happy to marry today. (I personally make sure I have a witness to my conversation with the Bride and the Groom, recording the names of the witnesses in my diary.)
  • Whilst doing a cross word recently, Dorothy came across a word similar to Bigamy (as we know - to marry someone, while married to someone else) But, Digamy was the word she needed (a second marriage, after a death or divorce of a first usband or wife) Remember this word for your next cross word clue!
  • To advise either the President-Treasurer or Executive Officer if you change your address-email or phone number, or if you resign or retire as a celebrant.
  • Your On-Line Training Modules are due by 31st December (Midnight) (Best not to leave it too late)
  • Do not use your A number in any of your advertising.
  • Organise a celebrant friend to help you on the day of a wedding should anything go wrong.
  • In your drive to the venue have a note in the car that you are a celebrant on your way to solemnise a wedding. A phone number on the note to make contact with a person involved with the wedding.
  • If you need to email the Attorney Generals Dept in the Subject Line Use your A Number. The Dept receives thousands of emails, we as celebrants have an A number and we are not the general public with a query

Our Marriage Celebrants Australia INSTAGRAM page is up and running and if you would like to check it out. marriage_celebrants_wa_aus It is free to advertise yourself and your business just email me with your story, name and contact details and feel free to add 2-3 wedding photos.Once you log in like the page with friends and family so our followers increases. The bigger the following we hope will attract new brides to check us out.

Our WEBSITE page is also being upgraded and should be completed in a few weeks. We have engaged the services of a new website designer company and once it has gone live I will Facebook message you all.

The WEDDING BRIDE BOOK edition is due in December and another in June 2025. Pauline and I attended a Bridal get together and they are super excited to include as Association in the editions. We also secured a bay/booth at the next Bridal Expo in January (more details to follow) If you would like to attend and help man the booth and meet and greet brides and grooms. I will leave a message on our Facebook page when I know the date and times.

Marriage Celebrant Badges and Name Bars

Janette has been asked by several Celebrants to locate the seller of our Celebrant Badges. If any members would like to purchase the Crest Badge and Name Bar (photo below), the contact details are:

Sheridan’s Badges and Engraving

Ph: 9328 6855

Contact: Tracey Jones

(Unfortunately, they require a minimum of 10 orders @ approx: $100 each)


The above Badge is 15 years old, and has been worn to every wedding by Janette. The Badge signifies you are the celebrant. And I wear mine proudly.





Your President Janette, amongst many activities in her life has just celebrated 10 years as a St John Volunteer Officer. St John Ambulance invited Janette to attend their Annual Awards Event, and there she was honoured with the 10 year Medallion and Bar

The Best Yorkshire Pudding Recipe

Our Christmas in July luncheon included a Yorkshire pudding, and Pauline mentioned she had a fabulous recipe, and has shared it with us:

The Best Yorkshire Pudding Recipe
Prep Cook Active Resting Time Total Serves
5 min 30 mins 5 mins 30 mins 65 mins 8 Yorkshire puddings

Full Receipe here:


4 large eggs
150g all-purpose flour
175g whole milk
2g kosher salt (about 1/2 teaspoon)
25g water
100ml beef drippings, lard shortening, or vegetable oil (about 1/2 cup)


  • Combine eggs, flour, milk, water, and salt in a medium bowl and whisk until a smooth batter is formed. Let batter rest room temperature for at least 30 minutes. Alternatively, for best results, transfer to an airtight container nd refrigerate batter overnight or for up to 3 days. Remove from refrigerator while you preheat the oven.
  • Adjust oven rack to center position and preheat oven to 450°F (230°C). Divide drippings (or other fat) evenly between two 8-inch cast iron or oven-safe non-stick skillets, two 6-well popover tins (see notes), one 12-well standard muffin in, or one 24-well mini muffin tin. Preheat in the oven until the fat is smoking hot, about 10 minutes.
  • Transfer the pans or tins to a heat-proof surface (such as an aluminum baking sheet on your stovetop), and divide the batter evenly between every well (or between the two pans if using pans). The wells should be filled between 1/2 and 3/4 of the way (if using pans, they should be filled about 1/4 of the way). Immediately return to oven. Bake until the orkshire puddings have just about quadrupled in volume, are deep brown all over, crisp to the touch, and sound hollow when tapped. Smaller ones will take about 15 minutes, popover- or skillet-sized ones will take around 25 minutes.
  • Serve immediately, or cool completely, transfer to a zipper-lock freezer bag, and freeze for up to 3 months. Reheat in a hot toaster oven before serving.

Yorkshire puddings come out best when the batter has been rested for at least one night; however, they can be cooked immediately after forming the batter if time requires it. Form the batter as directed in step 1 and immediately proceed to step 2 without refrigerating it. The quantity of batter doesn't divide easily into standard 6-well popover pans, but you can scale up the recipe by 50% in order to make a full 12 popovers instead of 8. If using skim or low-fat milk, omit the water and increase amount of milk to 200g (7 ounces; 1 cup minus 2 tablespoons).


Filed under:



Dorothy has advised us that Nigel Kershaw’s wife Gay has sadly passed away.

Nigel is a JP and is a retired celebrant, and late member with MCA.

Nigel performed over 2,500 weddings

Dorothy was asked by the family to perform the funeral ceremony, and has kindly sent a sympathy card on behalf of the members of Marriage Celebrants Australia.

RIP - Gay


To finish our newsletter, we would like to wish all our members celebrating Birthdays, or any other special occasion, n October, November and December (Christmas) a fabulous day!

Thank you,

from Janette

and your Committee

If you wish to unsubscribe from our newsletter,
please contact Janette [email protected]