
Code of Practice for Marriage Celebrants

This 'Bulletin extract' was posted to all Authorised marriage celebrants in kit form at Commencement of the new Marriage Celebrants Program:all Marriage Celebrants must adhere to the 'Code of Practice' as laid down by Legislation, administered by the Attorney General's Department.

The Code:

Application of this Code of Practice

This Code of Practice applies to marriage celebrants (being persons authorised under subdivision C Division 1 of Part IV of the Marriage Act 1961)

Note Under 39I (1) (b) of the Marriage Act 1961, if the Registrar of Marriage Celebrant is satisfied that a marriage celebrant has not complied with an obligation under section 39G of that Act. including the Code of Practice the Registrar may take disciplinary measures against the marriage celebrant

High Standard of Service

A marriage celebrant must maintain a high standard of service in his or her professional conduct and practice.

Recognition of Significance of Marriage

A marriage celebrant must recognise the social, cultural and legal significance of marriage and the marriage ceremony in the Australian community and the importance of strong and respectful family relationships.

Compliance with Marriage Act and other laws

A marriage celebrant must:

  1. solemnise marriages according to the legal requirements of the Marriage Act 1961 (Cth); and
  2. observe the laws of the Commonwealth and of the State or Territory where the marriage is to be solemnised; and
  3. prevent and avoid unlawful discrimination in the provision of marriage celebrancy services.
  4. what has changed is the requirement to meet separately before the ceremony. An authorised celebrant must not solemnise a marriage unless the authorised celebrant has met separately with each party before the intended marriage.

General Requirements for Each Marriage Ceremony

A marriage celebrant must respect the importance of the marriage ceremony to the parties and the other persons organising the ceremony. To that end, the marriage celebrant must do the following:

  1. Give the parties information and guidance to enable them to choose or compose a marriage ceremony, that will meet their needs and expectations;
  2. respect the privacy and confidentiality of the parties;
  3. maintain appropriate facilities to interview parties and provide office facilities, including facilities for the secure storage of records;
  4. within a reasonable time before the marriage ceremony:
    • confirm all details with the parties; and
    • ensure the return of all personal documents belonging to the parties (unless it is necessary to keep the documents for the ceremony); and
    • sign any necessary declarations;
  5. if requested by the parties, conduct a marriage ceremony rehearsal;
  6. ensure that his or her personal presentation is of an appropriate standard for the marriage ceremony and respects the expectations of the parties in relation to the ceremony;
  7. make efforts to ensure that the marriage ceremony is audible to all those present, (using audio equipment if required);
  8. ensure accuracy in the preparation of documents and in the conduct of the marriage ceremony;
  9. arrive at the venue for the marriage ceremony no later than the time agreed with the parties
  10. if the marriage celebrant has agreed to perform more than one wedding ceremony on the same day:
    • ensure that the parties to each marriage receive a level of service that meets their separate and special requirements: and
    • be available at the venue for each marriage ceremony at least 20 minutes before the agreed commencement of each ceremony (unless in the case of consecutive ceremonies, the ceremonies are to be held at the same venue)
  11. ensure that all relevant documents are completed and sent to the appropriate registering authority within 14 days after the marriage ceremony; as required by section 50 of the Marriage Act 1961
  12. in relation to the provision of marriage services, accept evaluative comment from the parties and use any comments to improve performance;
  13. give the parties information about how to notify the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department of any concerns or complaints they may have in regarding the marriage services provided by the marriage celebrant.

Knowledge and Understanding of Family Relationships Services

A marriage celebrant must:

  • maintain an up-to-date knowledge about appropriate family relationships services in the community; and
  • inform parties about the range of information and services available to them to enhance, and sustain them throughout, their relationship.

The Attorney-General's Department website where these details may be found by clicking here.

Marriage Celebrants Section

Family Law Branch

Tuesday 2 September 2003